Sunday, September 7, 2014

Hi! My name is Jessica Wyman but I prefer to be called Jesse. I am 18 years old and a sophomore at SNHU. I Was dead set on going to Wheelock college in Boston until I went to a SNHU table at a college fair to get my brother. Then the admin guy started chatting me up and I fell in love. I didn't even fully apply to Wheelock once i had gotten my acceptance letter from SNHU.

I struggled for a while with what I wanted my major to be. I was stuck between creative writing or education. And if I chose education did I want to teach high school of younger. Then I started working in a preschool and I loved every minute of it. My munchkins were the only thing that could get a smile on my face at 7 o'clock in the morning.


  1. Great post Jesse! I was the same way when deciding on where I wanted to go and what I wanted to major in. Children always make me happy, and that is how I knew I wanted to be a teacher. Exactly what grade did you want to teach, or what age groups? PS: I love your cloud picture!

    1. I really want to work with little kids, like pre-school maybe kindergarten. I love my little munchkins!
